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User & Passwords And Tally Vault Password In Tally

User And Passwords: To create different users who belong to one or more different Security Levels or Types of Security.

Go to Gateway of Tally, select F3: Com Info-> Security Control -> Users and Passwords

The list of users for Company screen is displayed.
User & Passwords And Tally Vault Password In Tally

A brief description of all the fields in the List of Users for Company name is displayed here automatically.
A) Name: The selected company name is displayed here automatically.
B) Name of Users: Enter the name of the users.
C) Password ( if any): Enter the password if required.
D) Security Level: Select the security level from the security list.

Note: You need to create Security Levels before creating users or the default security levels available viz. Owner and Data Entry.

Altering/Displaying Users and Passwords and Types of Security.

There is no separate menu option to alter or display Users and Passwords and Types of Security options. Use the same menu to display or alter user or security level set-up. To delete a User, delete the Name of User and Password and Accept, Yes to save. Do the same for deleting a security level. If you have defined a user under a security level, then the security level cannot be delete before deleting the users under it.

Tally Vault Password: Tally Vault is an enhanced security system, which allows for encryption of the company data. Encryption involves converting normally accessible Tally information into unrecognisable information, which can only be reconverted by authorised persons. Give a password here and repeat the same in the Repeat field. This basically results in the creation of an encrypted company whose information is not accessible to users other than the password holder.
User & Passwords And Tally Vault Password In Tally

1) Go to Gateway of Tally, select F3: Cmp Info.-> Create/Alter Company

2) In the Company Creation screen set Use Security Control to Yes, If you want to initiate a password-protected system to control access to Tally data. Else, set this to No. If you opt for security control, Tally offers a comprehensive password based access control to different features to Tally based on authority lists created by the Administrator.

3) Enter the Name of the Administrator.

4) Enter your password and re-enter the password for verification. The password is not displayed for security reasons.

5) Accept Yes to save the changes made.

To change the Tally Vault Password of a company: 

Go to Gateway of Tally, select F3: Cmp Info-> Change Tally Vault 

The procedure is the same as described in Enabling Tally Vault Password for Existing Companies. An additional field Current Password is displayed. Enter the existing password in this field. Enter the new password in the Repeat Password and Repeat New Password fields and save the changes.
