Backup:- Tally has a flexible backup mechanism where is you can take a backup of the data from virtually any storage medium into any other medium.
The more commonly used media are floppy drive, hard disk drive, zip drive, tape drive, etc. installed either locally or on a network. In the backup screen, the source of the backup and the destination of where it has to be stored have to be given and Tally will do as required.
Backup Precautions:- Data on a computer is vulnerable to all types of difficulties. Considering the same, it is important that we do not overlook the importance of regular backing-up of data regardless of the stability of the database. With a little planning and forethought, we can ensure that maintenance of the important data is continuous and hassle-free.
Depending on the volume of data entry, an appropriate backup mechanism will have to be devised. One method of achieving it will be by maintaining a backup directory in the local hard disk or the server (external storage media such as the floppy disk, zip diskette can also be used).
We can have sub-directories for every day of the week under the main backup directory and regularly take data backup in the following manner depending on the day of the week.
Monday - C:\TallyBackup\Monday
Tuesday - C:\TallyBackup\Tuesday and so on till saturday.
Note:- Tally backup facility is not limited to the Hard Disk Drive alone. You can backup data onto other storage devices also.
The above procedure ensures that there exists a reliable data backup at any given time. In order to use that reliable data backup or bring back the data from that existing data backup you have to use the Restore option.
The procedure for taking a backup is as follows:
1. Go to Gateway of Tally, select F3f: Cmp Info > Backup
2. The Backup Companies on Disk screen is displayed.
3. To change either the source or the Destination paths, use the [Backspace] key and change the path as required. Specify the paths of the Source and Destination drives. Incase we want to take a backup onto another system on the network the Destination path will be machinename \drivename\directoryname. The process of backing up data begins when at least one company is selected for the same from the List of Companies. To stop selecting companies, select the option End to List, which appears at the top of the selection list.
4. The backup file is stored as TBK900.001. If the backup is taken in a medium likely to extend more than one - for example:- floppy disk, then the extension digits (10001,10002 and son on) will be stored accordingngly.
Restore:- Restore literally means to bring back. Similar to backing up of data, Tally allows restoring of data from any medium into any other storage medium. The Restore companies on Disk screen is displayed as shown below:
Restore Precautions:- It is preferable NOT to restore a backup onto the original data directory primarily to ensure tha NO data is overwritten unintentionally.
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