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Use Tally Audit Features In Tally

 Use Tally Audit Feature- Tally Audit provides the capability to the administrator/auditor to track changes in the accounts following his previous review. Changes of two areas are important - changes in transactions or vouchers and changes in ledger masters. Only material changes are considered, i.e. a changes in the narration does not affect the integrity of a transaction, hence it would not be considered as changed. Any other change in a voucher is material and would be logged. The name of a ledger account if changed, it is material, hence it would be tracked. So also a change in the opening balance of a ledger master.

Use Tally Audit Features In Tally

Tally Audit Feature should be enable while creating the company and authority lists. If you wish to use this facility, select Yes against Use Tally Audit features in company creation screen.

Tally Audit will be available only to the administrator/auditor, through Display of Statements of Accounts. On accepting the company creation screen, if you have specified Tally Vault Password, Tally prompts you to enter the Tally Vault password as appears:

Only a user designated as an auditor or the administrator can view the audit list and act upon it. Tally tracks all changes made to vouchers that are more than 30 days old. Hence, changes to vouchers that are less than 30 days old are not reported. This is to allow adequate time to correct mistake. A change includes insertion of new transactions or accounts.

You are not required to make any additional input of data. The authorised user simply needs to display Tally Audit lists and may print out the lists. If he is satisfied with the authenticity of the changes, he accepts the changes either selectively or all of them ( by clicking on the relevant button). Once the changes are accepted, they are removed from the audit list and would not be available again. If, however, a change is repeated, it is reflected in the audit list.

So Tally Audit prevents frauds and cheats by any means. If amounts are changed in voucher entries after 30 days the change will be reflected in Audit list. An Auditor/admin can find these changes and he is satisfied he can remove them from the list.

To View the Audit List go to Display ->Statement of Accounts -> Tally Audit 

Use Tally Audit Features In Tally

Then you can select voucher/ledgers as per your recruitment:-

Use Tally Audit Features In Tally

To view Audit you must have logged in as Administrator user account created in the company information page.

Tally Audit LIsting will offer all voucher entries/changes in past 30 days. You either select a particular voucher and click Accept All to accept all voucher this will remove the entries from Audit List.

Use Tally Audit Features In Tally
